lunedì 23 febbraio 2009

Arena uqbar media art culture al performing media. point FUTUROMA

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giovedì 19 febbraio 2009

ARENA: Nicolas Sack

uqbar. media art culture e Rinascimento Virtuale
Vi invitano all'apertura di /Invite you at the Opening of
Nicolas Sack
Friday February 20 - Sunday, February 22, 2009
(10 PM CET - 1 PM SLT)

Nicolas Sack nasce in Second Life il 4 aprile 2007. Ben presto si dedica al disegno di moda ed al building, senza peraltro ancora intuire le potenzialità creative insite nel Metaverso.
Dopo una pausa di inattività e di lontananza da SL, rientra e comincia la collaborazione col Museo del Metaverso, che prosegue fino ad oggi. Durante questo periodo, aiutato e sollecitato dalla viva ed interessante attività del MdM e dei suoi collaboratori, subisce il fascino delle textures e dei suoi colori, cimentandosi nella creazione di opere che riscuotono un valido consenso già dal primo momento.
Tutta la sua opera è influenzata dal colore e dal suo movimento, integrati in strutture semplici e geometriche, che ne esaltano con variazioni cromatiche semplici, l'effetto suggestivo.
Cubi, griglie e coni, se da un lato sembrano suggerire un riferimento alle luci vivide e multicolori della metropoli con le sue insegne, dall'altro si mescolano e si intrecciano in un arcobaleno presente già in natura.
Nicolas Sack attualmente frequenta ed è tester anche nella OpenSim italiana di Cyberlandia, dove questa stessa esposizione è presentata in contemporanea con Second Life.
Per accedere a Cyberlandia, bisogna registrare un avatar, alla pagina quindi teleportarsi all isola "Cyberlandia".
Oppure da qualunque grid opensim abilitata all hypergrid utilizzare la slurl: secondlife://
Cyberlandia è una grid italiana basata sul simulatore Opensim. dove chiunque puo creare gratuitamente un avatar o inserire una propriaisola estendendo in maniera collaborativa il mondo virtuale.

domenica 15 febbraio 2009

Arena. Second Life artist's experience . FUTUROMA. notte Futurista a Roma. 20.02.2009 ore 19:00 – 24:30. Performing Media. point - Tempio di Adriano art culture in collaborazione con Musei in Comune 2.0

presenta :

Arena. Second Life artist's experience

FUTUROMA 20.02.2009 ore 19:00 – 24:30.
Performing Media. point - Piazza di Pietra. Tempio di Adriano

download invito

Una visione della recente produzione artistica e creativa in Second life.
Iimmersività ed interazione caratterizzeranno lo spazio suggestivo del tempio di Adriano durante la notte futurista del 20 febbraio (ore 19:00 – 24:30, piazza di Pietra).

50 artisti esporranno la loro opera nel Museo del metaverso e nella sede di Experience Italy in Second Life, estendendo la propria esibizione sino nel cuore di Roma, nell’allestimento curato da Paolo Valente (

Sarà possibile immergersi nello spazio virtuale di “Futurismo Manifesto 100×100”, e partecipare alla performance FUTURfashion di abiti futuristi indossati dagli avatar, una iniziativa di Musei in Comune 2.0 curata da Marina Bellini.

Foto: MillaMilla Noel – arco Rosca
Proiezioni: Frollini,s Cine Video Service
Post produzione: Alessandro Tartaglia

evento su facebook

Call for artists: summary of the first meeting with Marco Minghetti (09/02/2009)

Find more videos like this on uqbar. media art culture

Creative Commons License
This opera by 2lifecast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale 2.5 Italia License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Find more videos like this on uqbar. media art culture

Creative Commons License
This opera by 2lifecast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale 2.5 Italia License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Marco Minghetti said:
In few words, this is the state of art.

In the October 2008, I've published a romance, "Le Aziende In-Visibili" (The In-Visible Corporation), inspired by the famous Italo Calvino's "Invisible Cities" . Le Aziende In-Visibili is a collective narrative reflection about the contemporary life in an age of enormous socio-technical trasformations. In this context the Corporation became metaphor of the nowadays human condition (as the Cities in the Calvino's Masterpiece). The romance is illustrated by 190 images by the great artist Luigi Serafini.

Le Aziende In-Visibili is written by me and The Living Mutants Society, that collects 99 personalities of excellence in fields of art, economy, entertainment, as Alessandro Zaccuri, Walter Veltroni, Paolo Savona, Enrico Bertolino, Aldo Bonomi, Valeria Rossi, Alessio Bertallot, Gianpietro Vigorelli, Gloria Bellicchi, Francesco Morace, Armando Massarenti, Pier Aldo Rovatti, Giulio Sapelli, all well known in Italy. Besides:

· The images by Luigi Serafini enrich the visionary spirit of the work, guiding the imagination toward surreal landscapes, as the typical SL ones;

· The work is the last product of a cultural movement born 15 years ago, The Humanistic Management, (, in which have worked artists like Milo Manara e The Nobel Prize Wislawa Szymborska (you could find in attachment a brief story of the movement in English);

· The romance has already found a first "translation" in the NOVA 100 blog-network (, created by Sole 24 Ore, the most important European economical newspaper

· We have also created a Group in Facebook.

In this frame born the Web Opera Project. The graphic of the book in fact reminds a Companies Intranet, a sort of Tableau de Bord that supports the management decision with a lot (un)useful information, data, graphs and so on. In the wider side of each page of the romance you find the text of the narrative, in the thinner a "In-Visible Scorecard" that offers some indicator for its interpretation: the progressive number of each Episode, an I Ching Hexagram connected with the Episode, in the Boaz or Jakin version, a link with the original Calvino's text, and so on. Besides you can find the soundtrack that defines the mood of the Episode. In short you have all the elements for a screenplay: on this basis, born the idea of a Web Opera, on which some Sl artists have already begun to work: 128 videoclips, one for each episodes of the romance, 3 minutes length.

A Wiki-Opera that could be a "Manifesto" of all the artists that, in the respect of their own differences, accept to work together around the same ideas.

Unluckily for the moment we have only the Italian text of the romance but I hope that at the end of this month to have the translation of some episodes to offer to international artists that want to participate. For the moment I send you an unofficial pdf of the book that contains the Italian text (in a not definitive version) and a lot of Serafini's imagines.

Allegati a questo post:
1) Marco Minghetti history
2) pdf del Romanzo Collettivo "le Aziende In-Visibili"

history minghetti until 2008.doc


The next meeting with Marco Minghetti will be Tuesday, February 17, at Uqbar Museo del Metaverso

venerdì 13 febbraio 2009

ARENA: Evo Szuyuan

uqbar. media art culture e Rinascimento Virtuale

Vi invitano all'apertura di /Invite you at the Opening of

Evo Szuyuan

Friday, February 13 - Sunday , February 15, 2009
(09 PM CET - 12 AM SLT)


Evo Szuyuan is a new media artist, programmer, curator and machinimatographer.With a main interest for Virtual Reality and Immersive and NetworkedEnvironments she contributed to numerous international collaborativeArt and Research projects that have been awarded and presented atfestivals, galleries and musea all over the world, including ArsElectronica, DEAF and the Swiss National Museum.In 2006 she started exploring the potential of the Second Lifeplatform as the avatar Evo Szuyuan.There she got involved in creating movies with and for music groups,performance and installation artists. These movies have been screenedat, among other places, the Rome Filmfest and at the EuropeanMachinima Festival, where they received nominations in 3 awardcategories. She is currently finishing the machinimatography for thefeature lengh movie "Fly me/Volavola", which is shot entirely inSecond Life.

giovedì 5 febbraio 2009

Call for artists. Le Aziende In-Visibili – Romanzo a colori. cross-creative extension

uqbar. media art culture collabora alla redazione dell’esperimento cross mediale che Marco Minghetti, giornalista e scrittore, sta portando avanti con il progetto “Le Aziende In-Visibili”.
Lunedi 09 febbraio alle ore 10 PM CET - 01 PM SLT ad uqbar in second life presso il museo del metaverso, Minghetti incontra creativi ed artisti per una presentazione del suo lavoro, una chiamata collettiva alla redazione di alcuni capitoli della sua opera attraverso immagini, video e altre produzioni artistiche e creative.
L’incontro potrà essere anche seguito in streaming qui

info :

uqbar. media art culture, collaborate to the writing of the cross mediale experiment that Marco Minghetti, italian journalist and writer, is realizing with the project “Le Aziende In-Visibili”.
09 mondays February at the 10 PM CET - 01 PM SLT in to uqbar in second life at the museo del metaverso, Minghetti meet creatives and artists for a presentation of his project, a collective call to the writing of some chapters them of this work, through images, artistic and creative video and other productions.

The meeting could be also followed in streaming here ....

mercoledì 4 febbraio 2009

ARENA: Bingo Onomatopoiea

uqbar. media art culture e Rinascimento Virtuale

Vi invitano all'apertura di /Invite you at the Opening of

Bingo Onomatopoiea aka Andreas Mueller

Wednesday, February 04 - Friday, February 06, 2009
(11 PM CET - 02 PM SLT)

ARENA EX.IT slurl: (


Andreas Mueller / Bingo Onomatopoeia, Regensburg, Germany

Andreas Mueller, member of the media-art group Pomodoro Bolzano, started exploring the sonic universe with a tape recorder as early as during elemantary-school, when he tried out things from a book on tape-experiments from the school's library. During his teenage years in the eighties, while playing in noisy bands, he started publishing experimental tracks through the international tape-trader scene. Despite some detours into other fields of performing arts (mainly painting) his main focus has stayed on audio-art. His latest works were contributions for Das kleine Fieldrecording Festival in Regensburg and Berlin, Ljudrum in Eskilstuuna/Sweden and several Placards, mainly under the name Transponderfish. With his avatar Bingo Onomatopoeia he researches the creative potential of the virtual reality in Second Life: by networking, collaborating with other artists, building instruments for the Avatar Orchestra Metaverse and by performing with these.

domenica 1 febbraio 2009

"Let Love Live" (L3) by DC Spensley AKA DanCoyote Antonelli

You all are warmly invited to the ZeroG SkyDancers production entitled "Let Love Live" (L3) by DC Spensley AKA DanCoyote Antonelli in Second Life.

This is the fourth full redesign of the SkyDancer show since the troupe's founding in May of 2006 and features an all new musical score by ZeroOne Paz, all new choreography performed by the SkyDancers: Anhinga Chaika, Tatiana Kurri, Angelique Menoptra, Lina Lageos, Buffy Beale, Pielady Smalls, Talula Bancroft and Wytchwhisper Sadofsky, all new cascade costumes by DC Spensley and Josina Burgess and a 3 kilometer (3000 meter) stage set with DanCoyote collaborating with some of the top makers in Second Life like, Technical Director (code poet) ZenMondo Wormser, Architect Scope Cleaver, and artists Glyph Graves, Strawberry Holiday, Selavy Oh and Sabine Stonebender!

The ZeroG SkyDancers are real people who log into Second Life from all over the world to perform for audiences in real time. The L3 program consists of in-flight choreography that tells a story about the young love denied. The life cycle of these zero gravity beings it represented with abstract color and shape. The SkyDancers act out spacial relationships to each other in the simplest of terms. This abstraction strips away ideological expectations and universalizes a simple story of love denied by tradition and ignorance and restored by new insight and reconciliation.

Seating is limited! Please reserve a seat early.

Showtimes will be 2 days a week on Thursdays at 8PM SLT and Sunday mornings at 10AM SLT.
Please contact Lina Lageos for ticket information.

Please come 20 minutes early to be seated and to have time to configure your settings to get the most out of the performance.

-------------- press release below -----------------------------------
For Immediate Release

DC Spensley Presents ZeroG SkyDancers IV - Virtual Flight Choreography
Pioneering Performing Arts Soar in the Metaverse - Again - Under the Direction of DanCoyote Antonelli

January 29, 2009, (Second Life) - Avatar DanCoyote Antonelli is accustomed to setting the bar in virtual art and performance. Even in virtual worlds he is considered avant guarde. The real man controlling that avatar, DC Spensley, has been wowing virtual audiences since 2006 with art installations that would not be possible in material space but perhaps the most coveted ticket in all of Second Life is one to a performance by his ZeroG SkyDancers. On January 29, 2009, the premiere of the highly anticipated, fourth, completely redesigned production of ZeroG SkyDancers will debut.

Second Life's history making, critically acclaimed world performance group, the ZeroG SkyDancers is a new form of ensemble performance that uses the airspace of this virtual world, resulting in a cross between water ballet and aerial acrobatics, in ways that would not be possible in the physical world. Wearing spectacular, flowing costumes called cascades - that are many times larger than their avatars - the SkyDancers move through space, and become part of the stage themselves. Altering and evolving, their flight triggers audio samples, which provide a unique layer to the original musical score commissioned for the production.

The fourth production "Let Love Live", hosted by the New Media Consortium (NMC), will introduce an unprecedented 3000 meter (3km) reactive-interactive stage set that is repeatedly and dramatically transformed over the hour long performance as seating flies through gravity defying monoliths of breathtaking beauty. The ZeroG SkyDancers III will formally debut at 8PM Pacific Standard Time, Thursday, January 29, 2009 in the virtual world of Second Life. Seating is limited, but the show will run twice a week during the first 90 days of 2009, to accommodate the most guests possible. Suggested ticket donation is $15 US ($4500 Lindens) a piece. For ticket information, please contact Lina Lageos in Second Life or DC Spensley at

Guests that are not yet residents in Second Life will need to complete a 5 minute registration process with Second Life, , in order to access the ZeroG SkyDancers lV performance. A basic account is absolutely free, includes unlimited access to Second Life's tools, events and communities. Spensley recommends that audience members spend a minimum of 15 minutes learning the basic skills of the Second Life world prior to attending the performance. "Familiarizing yourself with basic navigation of Second Life will add even more enjoyment to the show," said Spensley.

Video of a ZeroG SkyDancers performance is available at and has received more than 10 thousand hits. "It's difficult to convey the dramatic and immersive effects of the Second Life virtual world in a 2-D web environment, however the video does convey the overall concept of the performance," said Spensley.

About DanCoyote Antonelli
The avatar DanCoyote was created as the proxy for David “DC” Spensley in the virtual world of Second Life. The name DanCoyote is derived from Cervantes’ Don Quixote and in honor of a coyote that Joseph Beuys lived with for a time at the René Block Gallery in New York during his 1974 action, “I like America and America Likes Me”.

About the New Media Consortium (NMC)
The NMC is an international consortium of more than 250 world-class universities, colleges, museums, research centers, and technology companies - and the largest educational body in Second Life - dedicated to using new technologies to inspire, energize, stimulate, and support learning and creative expression.

About Second Life and Linden Lab
Second Life is a 3D online world with a rapidly growing population from 100 countries around the globe, in which the Residents themselves create and build the world, which includes homes, vehicles, nightclubs, stores, landscapes, clothing and games. The Second Life Grid is a sophisticated development platform created by Linden Lab, a company founded in 1999 by Philip Rosedale, to create a revolutionary new form of shared 3D experience. The former CTO of RealNetworks, Rosedale pioneered the development of many of today's streaming media technologies, including RealVideo. In April 2003, noted software pioneer Mitch Kapor, founder of Lotus Development Corporation, was named Chairman. In 2006, Philip Rosedale and Linden Lab received WIRED's Rave Award for Innovation in Business. Based in San Francisco, Linden Lab employs a senior team bringing together deep expertise in physics, 3D graphics and networking.

Registration and an account are necessary to access Second Life, but require very little time and effort. A basic account is absolutely free, and includes unlimited access to Second Life's tools, events and communities. It is recommended that a minimum of 15 minutes be allocated to learn basic skills prior to attending the performance. Additional preparation would only enhance the experience.

System Requirements
Your computer must meet specific requirements, or you may not be able to successfully participate in Second Life. Learn more about those requirements here:

Contact for tickets or more information
DC Spensley