giovedì 30 dicembre 2010
venerdì 24 dicembre 2010
sabato 6 novembre 2010
sororNishi: Craft World
sororNishi: Craft World: "As the Omniverse develops we will, of course, see more and more Boutique Grids arising, catering to specific groups of people with one or an..."
lunedì 4 ottobre 2010
sabato 14 agosto 2010
DB Baley aka Douglas Story project: Explore It village
Questa notte ho visitato il complesso di DB Baley "Explore It village" e, come guida eccezionale, ho avuto l'autore che mi ha accompagnata in tour nel villaggio!
Molto interessante la Trattoria, da visitare e da giocare, infatti al suo interno si possono trovare
molte installazioni interattive, basta un touch, gli oggetti si animano e ci si ritrova ad affettare carote o a preparare zuppe, per non parlare della parte vocale che precede o segue le animazioni, a seconda di quale bottone vogliate attivare.
DB Baley ha ancora una volta ha colto lo spirito burlone di Second Life e dei suoi abitanti, ottenendo un risultato molto soddisfacente!
E' una land da non tralasciare!
DB Baley wrote:
We would like to invite you to stop by and experience our completed project.
Conceived and constructed by an all-star team (yes, we are ALL stars, so don't argue with me,) the Explore It village has been designed to provide students with a sense of what they might experience in careers in the fields of Culinary Arts, Automotive, Environmental Horticulture, Hotel Management and Multimedia.
SBCC Explore It, Sbcc Explore It (113, 43, 21)
Please send us your comments. This is a brand new, highly interactive build, and we are interested in what your experience here is like. In particular we'd like to hear about things that did --not-- work well for you. Were you able to hear all the audio? Was anything confusing or hard to use? What worked, and what didn't?
Your comments will be extremely valuable to us as we work to make an experience that will be as seamless as possible for our target audience, who will be totally new SL residents. Send a notecard with your comments to Zil Jewell. Thanks in advance.
DB Bailey - building
Keystone Bouchard - building and model construction
Desdemona Enfield - scripting
Douglas Story - writing, interactive gadget concepts, voice-over talent direction, photo compositing and audio editing.
Zil Jewell - Bosslady
mercoledì 4 agosto 2010
sabato 31 luglio 2010
venerdì 23 luglio 2010
venerdì 18 giugno 2010
Metaverse Wallpapers contest
Koinup is running a Second Life Wallpaper Contest!
The most beautiful Second Life Wallpapers created by participants of the contests will be included in "Metaverse Wallpapers"
"Metaverse Wallpapers" is the upcoming Iphone / Ipad app built by Koinup, scheduled to go live on this july.
You can get all the info about the project and rules to take part in the contests, here:
Contribute to the most amazing Iphone Wallpaper App, ever!
Koimup Iphone Wallpaper App. Updates
Koinup sta preparando un Second Life Wallpaper Contest!
Gli sfondi più belli di Second Life, creati dai partecipanti al concorso saranno inclusi
in " Metaverse Wallpapers"
"Metaverse Wallpapers" è la prossima Iphone /Ipad applicazione,
costruito da Koinup, in programma per questo mese di
È possibile avere tutte le informazioni sul progetto e
le regole per partecipare ai concorsi, qui:
Contribuite alla
più incredibile Iphone Wallpaper App!
Koinup Iphone App. Aggiornamenti
"HOMOLOGY" performance by Selavy Oh
Video by Mac MacMoragh about "Homology" by Selavy Oh, mini-performance of "Companionship" by Jeremy Owen Turner aka Qiezli Hixzatapo for Viareggio Art Project!
sabato 29 maggio 2010
giovedì 29 aprile 2010
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