lunedì 27 ottobre 2008

Therese Carfagno show opening

Questa sera 27 Ottobre, alle ore 22,00, inaugurazione della mostra di Therese Carfagno, organizzata da art culture e Rinascimento Virtuale, per ARENA, ad EX.IT,slurl

This evening, Oct 27, H 10 PM, show opening by Therese Carfagno, for ARENA, EX.IT,slurl

La mostra resterà allestita:
The exhibition will be open:

da lunedi/monday 27 a mercoledi/Wednesday 29 ottobre/October 2008

Therese Carfagno says of herself:

I came to Second Life in February 2007. I soon got a job as a journalist, and got to meet the most interesting artists in SL. Seeing so much creativity inspired me to start taking pictures myself. I find that taking pictures helps me the look at the world a little closer – and there are so many wonders to see in SL.

I have no interest in calling myself an artist. I take snapshots. If I'm happy with the picture because of the motive, the colours, the people in it or anything, i upload it to Flickr. That's it. And if someone else like what I do, that's even better.

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