Le aspettative non sono state, come al solito, deluse dall'esibizione di Second Front per Arena!
Abbiamo assistito ad una performance molto movimentata con effetti speciali nuovissimi e con attori molto concentrati.
Un esperimento pericoloso, che ha messo a repentaglio le nostre seconde vite!!!!! ;D)
Esplosioni grandiose, scomparsa degli avatar, particle che volteggiavano tutt'intorno, partecipazione dei presenti con l'emissione di urobori avvolgenti e fluttuanti e di altre texture animate.
Una Gazira Babeli scatenata, si scaraventava da tutte le parti con l'effetto pushing.
Fau Ferdinand, Lizsolo Mathilde e Bibbe Oh con Great Escape erano attenti ai collider e a gestire la comunicazione della performance. Mancava Man Michinaga, che invece ha curato tutto l'allestimento, nei giorni precedenti.
La partecipazione è stata massiccia, con un pubblico che, mescolato tra gli attori, interagiva con loro in chat e con la condivisione di oggetti rezzati dagli inventory.
Ecco la chat della sera:
Oya Boucher: Hi Gaz ;)
Fau Ferdinand: which some of you seem to know
Maxxo Klaar: ollaolla gaz
lizsolo Mathilde: Gazira will be operating the hooha
lizsolo Mathilde: among other dutiesGazira Babeli: hi all.. loading texture
Fau Ferdinand: oh load it
lizsolo Mathilde: So, GE I see you have transformed yourself into a proton
Gazira Babeli: it seems llike all SL textures are here tonight
lizsolo Mathilde: we invited all the textures!
Great Escape: the proton sphere is charged
Gazira Babeli: I see
lizsolo Mathilde: fantastic
lizsolo Mathilde: AND WHEN THEY COLLIDE!
lizsolo Mathilde: OOOOOOH!!!!
Dea Eilde: will it create black holes?
lizsolo Mathilde: Well the truth is...
gianky Lindman: Going, too much lag.
gianky Lindman: Bye.
lizsolo Mathilde: we dont actually know
Dea Eilde: hm
Dea Eilde: will SL ever be the same?
lizsolo Mathilde: bye gian
lylizsolo Mathilde: it is uncertain
Bibbe Oh: If you know what you will have when you are done -- you are NOT experimenting
lizsolo Mathilde: will any of us ever be the same?
Bibbe Oh: so in art as in science
Frieda Korda: never
Fau Ferdinand: oh yess ! ! !
Frieda Korda: ever
Dea Eilde: omg, we are doomed!
Bibbe Oh: we have no clue
lizsolo Mathilde: perhaps doomed, perhaps on the berge of a whole new discovery
lizsolo Mathilde: verge
Bibbe Oh: but we will know more after today's experiment
lizsolo Mathilde: which shall begin in a monet
Juliet Chambers can't wait to see the big gazoom
Oya Boucher: i hope so!
Fau Ferdinand: the electron is circling the collider now
lizsolo Mathilde: moment
Bibbe Oh: or we will all be atomic decay
lizsolo Mathilde: i am so excited I can hardly type
Fau Ferdinand: let's activate it
Bibbe Oh: The Hardon always thrills me
lizsolo Mathilde: Fau have you charged up as a proton?
lizsolo Mathilde: yes! Let's activate the Large Hardon Collider
Fau Ferdinand: every body in ! ! !
Dea Eilde: lets hug for the last time, oya
Dea gives Oya a big hug.
lizsolo Mathilde: yes
Oya Boucher: i will miss you, Dea
lizsolo Mathilde: make your peace with things
Oya Boucher: snif
Dea Eilde: i will miss me, too
lizsolo Mathilde: PROTONS READY
Oya Boucher: i can imagine
Ginevra Lancaster: hope we will be able to see it after they activate the collider
Frieda Korda: yes, yes.... ;))
Dea Eilde: dont touch the red button oya!
lizsolo Mathilde: PROBLEM CORRECTED
Dea Eilde: hm
Great Escape: 9
Great Escape: 8
Great Escape: 9
Frieda Korda: is everything under control?
lizsolo Mathilde: DONT PANIC EVERYONE
lizsolo Mathilde: IT'S ALL GOING TO BE OKAY
Fau Ferdinand shouts: wefound a worm hole !!!!!
ian Ah is Online
Oya Boucher feels panic creeping nearer
lizsolo Mathilde: everyone inside to see the wormhole
Dea Eilde: i can almost feel the protons
Juliet Chambers: and... ehm... do you like it?
Dea Eilde: oops
Dea Eilde: at least it doenst look like a BLACK hole
Cheen Pitney: Fau has multible worm burns
lizsolo Mathilde: OH DEAR, I WAS AFRAID OF THIS
lizsolo Mathilde: WE CREATED A WORMHOLE
Oya Boucher: uuuuh
Frieda Korda: ooh no, what to do now???
Phaon Johin: duck and cover, duck and cover!!!
Fau Ferdinand shouts: oh god something is happening to me ! ! !
lizsolo Mathilde: RUN FOR YOUR LIVES
Phaon Johin tries to remember how to duck and cover
Selavy Oh: the universe seems to fold
Oya Boucher: whats up now?????
Dea Eilde: wich one?
Selavy Oh: no idea
lizsolo Mathilde: Remember we did say we weren't sure what we were doing
Selavy Oh: such is science
lizsolo Mathilde: sometimes when you slam two partcles together unexpected things happen
Frieda Korda: thrilling....
Frieda Korda: ;))
lizsolo Mathilde: OH DEAR GOD
lizsolo Mathilde: Our Beloved Fau has been transformed
Fau Ferdinand: I 've changed
lizsolo Mathilde: Yes you have
Fau Ferdinand: too many worms
lizsolo Mathilde: If I wasn't certain they were extinct I would say you had turned into a DoDo
Juliet Chambers: too much ducking
MacEwan Writer: ciao joannes!
Cheen Pitney: somegodies
AFau Ferdinand: can you prescribe some vermox dr mathilde ?
Ginevra Lancaster: lol the wormhole
Alizarin Goldflake: hahhaha
lizsolo Mathilde: Absolutely Dr. Ferdinand
lizsolo Mathilde: Thank you everyone for being here to witness this experiment
Cheen Pitney: it slives it lives the dodo has returned Phaon Johin peers through the smoke, wondering if he witnessed anything
lizsolo Mathilde: It is incredible
Ti Mosienko: congratulations to the engineers; science has been furthered today
lizsolo Mathilde: Only the colliding of two protons and the rebirth of an extinct species Phaon
Dea Eilde: oh, still did not see any protons. maybe the are too small or so
Frieda Korda: ahahaha
lizsolo Mathilde: oh dear - the protons were inside the collider, the circular thingy that surrounds us
Ti Mosienko: my flatulence is cured!
lizsolo Mathilde: horray Ti!!
lizsolo Mathilde: It was a pretty complicated experiment:)
lizsolo Mathilde: Please feel free to explore the Collider
Dea Eilde: maybe that's why i became a horse and not a scientist
lizsolo Mathilde: Yes, science is a lonley road sometimes
Flight Band: All Go
Bibbe Oh: I dont know whether my consciousness has been raised or I am just feeling confused
lizsolo Mathilde: maybe
bothHOC - Nixie Clock: Set your local time by adding or subtracting hours from SL timeHOC - Nxie Clock: then do: /8080
HOC - Nixie Clock: e.g. for GMT, /8080 8HOC - Nixie Clock: Currently using offset: 0
Frieda Korda: how do we get in?
Maxxo Klaar: maybe both bibbe
lizsolo Mathilde: over this way
Bibbe Oh nods thoughtfully
Gumnosophistai Nurmi: hello liz , hello selavy
Frieda Korda: eheheh
Bibbe Oh: You may have something there Maxxo
Selavy Oh: hey gumno!
Bibbe Oh: ooooooooooooh
Ginevra Lancaster: i think i'll have a cup of tea
Ginevra Lancaster: may i?
lizsolo Mathilde: yes, please all enjoy a cup of tea
Gumnosophistai Nurmi: ive heard this explosions before, in Baghdad!
Flight Assist Device (wear me): All Go
soror Nishi: hmmm
lizsolo Mathilde: I have never been to Baghdad
lizsolo Mathilde: but hope to go someday
Gumnosophistai Nurmi: Baghdad Streets :)
Liu Lunasea: help!!!!
Gumnosophistai Nurmi: black hole insurance?
Dea Eilde: this is huge
Ginevra Lancaster dont like not existing anymore
Dea Eilde: liz, is there nothing you can do?
lizsolo Mathilde: i will try to diengage the dicomboobulator
Ginevra Lancaster: (cannot get my cup of tea, maybe its the blackhole)
Joannes Bedrosian: try black tea
lizsolo Mathilde: the black holes are preventing me from reaching the controls
Ginevra Lancaster: good idea Joannes
lizsolo Mathilde: This could be it folks
lizsolo Mathilde: The system is breaking down
Ti Mosienko: How exciting
Liu Lunasea: iamme
MacEwan Writer: bello
MacEwan Writer: nice
Ginevra Lancaster: will this change us forever?
Roxelo Babenco: where was the first?
Fau Ferdinand: oh yes
Fau Ferdinand: I'm changed
Ginevra Lancaster: are we still us?
Liu Lunasea: who I was before?
Fau Ferdinand: for good
Oya Boucher: /hug dea
Oya gives Dea a big hug.
Fau Ferdinand: I'm not me
lizsolo Mathilde: Fau has been transformed into a Dodo
Liu Lunasea: the way we where
Fau Ferdinand: goodbye world ! ! !
Ginevra Lancaster: lol liu'
Gumnosophistai Nurmi: guten abend paco!
Liu Lunasea: thanks gin
Ginevra Lancaster: yet the lag hasnt changed lol
Liu Lunasea: tu sì che capisci le citazioni
Liu Lunasea: dotte
MacEwan Writer: it would be nice if black holes could be controlled this way...
Liu Lunasea: :))
Frieda Korda: lol Ginevra
Ginevra Lancaster: (finche' vai sulla musica dei 70 vado forte si)
Liu Lunasea: grande
ian Ah: what a bunch of Hicks
Bibbe Oh: heheh
Solkide Auer: nemmeno io
Liu Lunasea: sarà un segno?
Selavy Oh: must be dark matter
Solkide Auer: niente niente porta sfiga
Roxelo Babenco: no è Cheen Pitney lol
Liu Lunasea: ma dite the black crow?
Roxelo Babenco: di solito è lui col corvo in testa
Ginevra Lancaster: omg averything i s black
Liu Lunasea: bene
Solkide Auer: non era un pinguino?
Roxelo Babenco: Soli
an Ah: You are looking lovely Fau
Solkide Auer: deciditi corvo o pinguino hehehe
Frieda Korda: yes it is !
Alizarin Goldflake: aha there is the dodo
Fau Ferdinand: yes
Ginevra Lancaster: claustrophobia
Liu Lunasea: non vedo neanche il dodo
Liu Lunasea: ora
Selavy Oh: i've got the verview
Selavy Oh: *overview
Selavy Oh: but it doesnt help
Alizarin Goldflake: verview sound better!
Selavy Oh: the o was lost in the hole
ian Ah: verview = contraction vermin + view
Gumnosophistai Nurmi: i think thats the point selavy
Ginevra Lancaster: selavy i dont see you anymore
Solkide Auer: lost in the hole...great
Solkide Auer: selavy should be the title of you future work
Selavy Oh: i still have verview
Selavy Oh: but i dont see anyone
Selavy Oh: n oUr
Desires Nishi: hi hehehhe
Alizarin Goldflake: nohUr
Desires Nishi: hehehe
ian Ah: Dodos don't fly well I take it...
Ginevra Lancaster: i still see some people around me but where are all the others?
Selavy Oh: something happens
Ginevra Lancaster: are they lost i the hole? or am i?
Solkide Auer: lost in the hole ginevra
Alizarin Goldflake: here is the church and here is the steeple
Alizarin Goldflake: or the hardon as it were
Ginevra Lancaster: i think a green think is around me liu
Selavy Oh: go straight and turn left
Alizarin Goldflake: has anyone kept a particle count?
Selavy Oh: 43156
Medora Chevalier: I bring light from Einstein
Ginevra Lancaster: green
Ginevra Lancaster: it es green
Medora Chevalier: it is a mystery of the universe
ian Ah: I'm feeling Newtonian
Einstein's Orb shouts: Widen your circles of compassion Opensource Obscure
Einstein's Orb shouts: Widen your circles of compassion Opensource Obscure
Liu Lunasea: riemergono
Medora Chevalier: in certain dimensiuons
Fau Ferdinand shouts: we tried hard to kill the sim
Opensource Obscure: we should try harder.
Alizarin Goldflake: i do hope that a chat transcript will be part of the documentation!
Fau Ferdinand shouts: but it wouldn't die
Alizarin Goldflake: that is a red tree
Puglia Dance: Scrivi 'ballopuglia' per far partire l'animazione, 'stop' per fermare l'animazione
Opensource Obscure: an IMMORTAL sim
Medora Chevalier: break a lag
lizsolo Mathilde: haha
Alizarin Goldflake: one of the 7 deadly sims
Paco Mariani: hey gaz, tasty pizzas for all, ty
Ginevra Lancaster: oufPuglia Dance: Scrivi 'ballopuglia' per far partire l'animazione, 'stop' per fermare l'animazione
Paco Mariani: art creates hunger :)
Puglia Dance: Scrivi 'ballopuglia' per far partire l'animazione, 'stop' per fermare l'animazione
Maxxo Klaar: heyhooo
Puglia Dance: Scrivi 'ballopuglia' per far partire l'animazione, 'stop' per fermare l'animazione
Ginevra Lancaster: 'ballopuglia'
Opensource Obscure: ballopuglia
Ginevra Lancaster: ti funziona deneb?
Puglia Dance: Scrivi 'ballopuglia' per far partire l'animazione, 'stop' per fermare l'animazione
MillaMilla Noel: ballopugliaPuglia Dance: VIENI A BALLARE IN PUGLIA.....
Solkide Auer: 'soir Frieda
Liu Lunasea: ma aiuto
Ginevra Lancaster: dove sei liu?
Fau Ferdinand: yeah
Liu Lunasea: precipitata
Fau Ferdinand: says fau misciviosly
Liu Lunasea: insieme al dodo direi
Ginevra Lancaster: io ti vedo sul divanetto
Liu Lunasea: davvero?
Ginevra Lancaster: si
Ginevra Lancaster: where are the others?
Fau Ferdinand: downstairs ?
Liu Lunasea: ma siamo in un'altra dimensione
Liu Lunasea: ginevra!
lizsolo Mathilde: we think the black holes tunred the floors phantom and everybody fellthrough
Liu Lunasea: I'm falling
Liu Lunasea: wanderful
Ginevra Lancaster: i am still sitting on a sofa
lizsolo Mathilde: Yes that willkeep you safe
Ginevra Lancaster: uh!
Liu Lunasea: anche tu?
Ginevra Lancaster: no io sono seduta sul divanetto
Liu Lunasea: ho visto precipatare moya
Ginevra Lancaster: e se rimango qui non cado dice
E' accaduto di tutto, siamo scomparsi e riapparsi, precipitati e risaliti, per finire in un prato sottostante a giocare con Gazira e le sue pizze.
La performance è stata trasmessa in diretta streaming in Second Life e nel web, grazie alla collaborazione con 2Lifecast e alla disponibilità di Micalita Writer. Quest'ultima, nonostante il lag e gli effetti speciali, ha effettuato le riprese video, portando a termine una missione non facile.