Uqbar. media art culture presenta “ARENA”, evento e esposizione d’arte realizzata in coordinamento con Rinascimento Virtuale, la mostra che si terrà a Firenze al Museo di Storia Naturale all’interno del Festival della Creatività (21 ottobre-7 gennaio). ARENA Call for artist è una grande mostra che si terrà dal 21 ottobre al 7 gennaio in second life presso la sim di EX.IT che collabora all’iniziativa. (http://slurl.com/secondlife/Experience%20Italy%20NW/128/128/SLURL37) Vedrà succedersi c.ca 40 “artisti” che esporranno le loro opere ciascuno ogni tre giorni, in uno spazio chiamato “arena” realizzato appositamente. Gli artisti saranno invitati e in parte selezionati con bando pubblico di adesione.Le opere saranno esposte all’attenzione di critici, curatori, collezionisti e amanti dell’arte in genere, inoltre il social network di Uqbar (http://uqbar-mediaartculture.ning.com/ ) sarà vetrina e riferimento dell’iniziativa con un blog dedicato e la messa in onda 24 ore su 24 della ripresa in diretta di quello che avviene nel mondo del metaverso, grazie alla collaborazione con 2Lifecast, che ha messo a disposizione un canale televisivo-streaming dedicato.Chiunque potrà partecipare all’evento direttamente rispondendo alla chiamata o indirettamente diffondendone i contenuti, nelle modalità che sono qui di seguito precisate.
English version
English version
Uqbar. media art culture to presents "ARENA", art event and exhibition made in coordination with the Virtual Renaissance, the exhibition will be held in Florence at the Natural History Museum within the Creativity Festival (October 21th - January 7th).
ARENA Call for artist is a great exhibition that will take place on Oct. 21th till Jan. 7th in second life at the EX.IT’s sim who is contributing for this initiative.
It will be possible see about 40 “artists” that will exhibit their works on a three days basis each after the other, in a space called “arena,“ just realized for that. Artists will be invited to participate and in part selected by public announcement.
The works will be exhibited for the attention of critics, curators, collectors and art fans, the Uqbar social network (http://uqbar-mediaartculture.ning.com/) will be showcase and reference of the event with a specific blog and a live broadcast 24 hours/day of what happens in the metaverse world, thanks to 2Lifecast collaboration, that it has provided a dedicated video-streaming.
Anyone will be welcome to participate directly at the event just answering to the call or indirectly speading of its contents, by the way that is hereafter specified.
ARENA Call for artist is a great exhibition that will take place on Oct. 21th till Jan. 7th in second life at the EX.IT’s sim who is contributing for this initiative.
It will be possible see about 40 “artists” that will exhibit their works on a three days basis each after the other, in a space called “arena,“ just realized for that. Artists will be invited to participate and in part selected by public announcement.
The works will be exhibited for the attention of critics, curators, collectors and art fans, the Uqbar social network (http://uqbar-mediaartculture.ning.com/) will be showcase and reference of the event with a specific blog and a live broadcast 24 hours/day of what happens in the metaverse world, thanks to 2Lifecast collaboration, that it has provided a dedicated video-streaming.
Anyone will be welcome to participate directly at the event just answering to the call or indirectly speading of its contents, by the way that is hereafter specified.
arco Rosca e Roxelo Babenco uqbar@live.com
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